Julian Palacz

Julian Palacz ⋅ Little Boxes / Top Ten (1)Julian Palacz ⋅ Little Boxes / Top Ten (2)Julian Palacz ⋅ Little Boxes / Top Ten (3)Julian Palacz ⋅ Little Boxes / Top Ten (4)Julian Palacz ⋅ Little Boxes / Top Ten (5)Julian Palacz ⋅ Little Boxes / Top Ten (6)

Little Boxes / Top Ten

26 laser engraved drawings ⋅ 10×10cm ⋅ 2024

The research project “Mapping Building Stocks across Europe” aims to develop detailed, high-resolution maps of building stocks across Europe that may reveal unexpected spatial patterns. To achieve this immense task, the research team collected data from more than 200 million buildings in 30 countries. In his work, Julian Palacz focuses on the visualization and poetic representation of data. Under the title Little Boxes, the artist has developed an interactive installation and a series of laser engraved drawings that playfully manipulate the collected floor plans of the research project and analyze their aesthetic characteristics. Using speculative queries within the database, Palacz generates meta-referential correlations that open up new perspectives on the existing data set. For example, what images result when the floor plans of the ten largest, tallest, or oldest building typologies are superimposed? Delicate laser engraved drawings visualize the outcome on elements of the Culture-Climate Pavilion (Breath Earth Collective).